Our best wishes of prosperity to all gouldian breeders.
Meilleurs voeux de prospérité à toutes et tous éleveurs de goulds.
Ivan, Kathy, Lennert en Lester
(according to M. Fidler, former chain-fosterer)QUOTE :
"Fosteringis a great supplementary technique but very labour intensive and time consuming. A large number of people think that fostering is the easy option, where, in fact, nothing is further from the truth. It takes a lot of preparation and a lot of skill to foster..."
Now what in fact is the essence here of Fidler's above claim "nothing is further from the truth"...?, the above actually being a formidable promotion for artificial gouldian foster practices, attempting to obscure the obvious. For the obvious no longer permitted to be obvious by creating self-excusing smoke screens, some people are indeed taking other people further from the truth :MARGIN QUOTING ♫♪♫ If you can't be in awe of Mother Nature, there's something wrong with you.
Alex Trebek
...While indeed, dear Madam, chain-fostering is such an noble occupation (sic), logically only practised by noble people to be admired for their strength of character and endurance(sic), their enourmous technical skills (sic) and delivered labour intensive efforts (sic), because they so willingly invest all they ever can in this immensely time consuming work... (sic).
That is of course, if it were up to internet-worldwide statements like Fidler's to decide on merit and credibility, in a world rendered to become but a large village by globalised media. But is it anno 2012 really up to this kind of statements, not only to decide on merit and credibility, but also attempting to decide on skill and willingness ? Especially when establishing that this same person takes the liberty of making the obscure statements in the way he does, but in the proces all too gladly forgets to emphasize he himself is a somewhat "slightly-heavily" biased party in this matter. Why so, one might wonder...
For did the man stating to the world that "fostering is great" himself not used to be one of thé largest European commercial chain-fosterers of gouldians ever having walked this planet, himself commercially exploiting gouldians by yearly producing up to 3000 fostered birds, or even more... So how much "supplementary" can chain-fostering in fact be...
Meanwhile day-to-day reality is always just behind the pretense-façade, stating in massive numbers, even today :MARGIN QUOTING ♫♪♫ That's the thing about Mother Nature, she really doesn't care what economic bracket you're in.
Whoopi Goldberg
Chain-fostering by all means is the technique designed by and for the u t m ost and utterly technically unskilled and unqualified, but at the same instant also improper-business minded men and large scale selection-falsifiers, strictly prioritising "economic sense", each of them yearly and individually chain-producing multiple hundreds, even thousands of weak-weaker-weakest birds with increasingly deviating social characteristics and - generation by generation- steadily worsening degeneration in auto-productivity and parental behaviour. All of these actions year after year carried out with one main priority only : reaching high production numbers in order to achieve what is smoothly referred to as "economic sense". Commercially preying on a bird species makes "economic sense" indeed. No doubt about it. Common sense calls it "commercial exploitation of gouldians".
Today the natural approach of actually breeding authentic parent- raised gouldians has provided the opportunity for willing and able breeders from around the world to step into the natural breeding initiative as officially issued in the Netherlands in the early 90's. Since the mid 90's there even exists a specialised club solely for natural breeders of gouldians, handling a strictly regulated membership today counting some 700-800 inspired, skilled and willing gouldian breeders from all corners of the world. A membership number steadily rising.As such, its true colours of falsifying selection and species’ weakening features today still increasingly emerge, ever increasingly mortgaging the authentic nature and character of the species.
It was primarily the Dutch –being backed up by some foreign pioneers- providing the large scale organisation unifying all those being willing and able to breed gouldians in a natural manner within a sustained and prolonged model, without damaging health nor parental capabilities of the own species.
Only if and when they are really good at what they are doing, natural breeders of (parent-raised) gouldians will on average get 5-6 young gouldians per couple, per season. But at least it will be gouldians bred without falsifying nature’s mechanisms, protecting the gouldian’s enormous, natural self-reproductive ability.
Of course no chain-fosterer’s mentality will ever find itself indulged and gratified when having to work harder for much lesser outcome and revenue, remembering Fidler’s (internet published) fostering goal of -hold on to your socks!- 25 up to 30 young gouldians per production gouldian couple, when subsequently being "faced with the horror" of natural- breeding-results at the most delivering “only 5" naturally bred young gouldians on average per couple, per year. Of course only if and when one actually is prepared to give it tremendously more effort and skill than chain-fosterers as a rule indulge themselves to do.
On the other end of the spectrum, no sensible man or woman alive on this planet - while respecting nature’s mechanisms-, will even dream of being able to yearly realise authentical breeding results of 25-30 young gouldians on average out of one breeding pair; figures entirely as chain-fosterers anno 2012 plainly keep on declaring to be so called “normal objectives”. And of course this kind of contra-natural objective indeed becomes quite possible to achieve when artificially preying on the gouldian for the sole purpose of big numbers – and big bucks. In the meantime it is the gouldian as a species paying the price, each generation increasingly ever more.
So exactly how much a protector of the gouldian species can one be, when clearly speaking and acting like a predator on the gouldian as the species ? And above all, anno 2012 still sticking to defending one's own systematical chain foster predation on the gouldian species ? How much supplementary can that be? The pretense-façade has long reached its expiration date. High time for renewed respect towards mother nature's mechanisms. No one can outsmart nature for too long. Better beware all abuse always comes boomeranging back in a big long arc curve, no matter what pretense-façade is being held up.MARGIN QUOTING ♫♪♫ Mother Nature may be forgiving this year, or next year, but eventually she's going to come around and whack you.
Geraldo Rivera
"Breeding strong and capable gouldians without renouncing nature's mechanisms, consequently keeping far away from any chain-foster selection falsification whatsoever, is protecting the species, at the same time securing the species’ future for man's generations to come."
♫♪♫ Seems you can't outsmart Mother Nature. Mark Hyman__________________________________________________________
♫♪♫ People need to be cautious because anything built by man can be destroyed by Mother Nature. Russel Honore
♫♪♫ Mother Nature is always speaking. She speaks in a language understood within the peaceful mind of the sincere observer. Leopards, cobras, monkeys, rivers and trees; they all served as my teachers when I lived as a wanderer in the Himalayan foothills. Radhanath Swami
♫♪♫ That's the thing about Mother Nature, she really doesn't care what economic bracket you're in. Whoopi Goldberg
♫♪♫ If you can't be in awe of Mother Nature, there's something wrong with you. Alex Trebek
♫♪♫ Mother Nature may be forgiving this year, or next year, but eventually she's going to come around and whack you. You've got to be prepared. Geraldo Rivera
• Geen eieren rapen – geen pleegbroed
• Geen incestueuze inteelt
• Geen gebruik van antibiotica en chemo
1. ofwel gele milletsoorten
2. ofwel rode milletsoorten
3. ofwel witte milletsoorten
4. ofwel rode panis
5. ofwel gele panis
6. ofwel een overmatige combinatie van de voorgaande
1. bijvoorbeeld klein kempzaad
2. bijvoorbeeld perilla
1. In het belang van kweker en gouldamadines, is de eerste aanbeveling uiteraard om voor kweekdoeleinden met gouldamadines geen zaadmengelingen te gebruiken die afwijkende kenmerken vertonen zoals hierboven beschreven;
2. De tweede aanbeveling voor kwekers-consumenten vloeit voort uit de eerste : fabrikanten die nalaten om op de verpakking de samenstelling van de zaadmengeling in kwestie te vermelden, met inbegrip van gebruikte zaadsoorten en respectieve percentages, onthouden de liefhebber op deze wijze uiteraard elke mogelijkheid tot verificatie. Bovendien is het de vaststelling dat dergelijke zaadmengelingen niet steeds even constant zijn in hun samenstelling, maar door de fabrikant naargelang de evolutie van marktrealiteit en aankoopprijzen, in eerste instantie worden samengesteld in functie van kostprijsberekening en behoud van commerciële winstmarges. Aldus : vraag als kweker-consument van de fabrikant altijd een gedetailleerde opgave van samenstelling.
1. Witzaad / Platzaad
2. Japanse millet
3. Graszaden (van het grovere type – bvb raaigras).
4. Fijnzaden met specifieke vetstructuren (chia, teunis, ...)
1. vanaf begin rui tot einde rui progressief toegevoegd : fijnzaadmix bestaande uit een mengsel van overwegend
• timotee graszaad (55%) en
• chicoreizaad (25%),
verder strikt minimaal aangevuld met mengsel van omzeggens gelijke fracties
• weegbree (5%),
• teunis (3%),
• chia (3%),
• leindotter/dederzaad (3%),
• sesamzaad (3%) en
• anijszaad (3%).
Progressieve seizoenssupplementering van deze mix met 3% tot maximum 4% ( totaal 600 gr tot max. 800 gr toevoeging per 20 kg)
2. vanaf einde rui (tot einde rustfase) : stop fijnzaadmix en tegelijk toevoeging van een fractie millets, bestaande uit gelijke delen witte (25%) en gele (25%) millet, en 50% japanse millet, aanvankelijk met supplementering van niet meer dan 2kg, naar het eind van de rustfase progressief oplopend tot maximum 5 kg supplementaire millets per 20 kg basismengeling. (maximum verschraling gedurende laatste 3 weken van rustperiode/schrale periode)
3. Bij de start van het kweekseizoen wordt –voor een tijdspanne van ongeveer 2 weken- nog 1,5 kg tot max. 2 kg plat witzaad extra aan 20 kg basismix toegevoegd. Na afloop van deze eerste 2 weken volgt een extra toevoeging van de bovenbeschreven fijnzaadmix, max. 2% (=max.400gr) per 20 kg, tot einde kweek.
• 35 % wit platzaad, en
• 15 % japanse millet, en
• 20 % gele panis, en
• extra's van minstens 5-6% grove graszaden
(bovenop het aandeel platzaad)
1. ...bij aanvang van de kweek het obligate rustvet van kweekvogels zeer spontaan “wegsmelt” op minder dan een week tijd.
2. ...dat de aangeboden zaadmix steeds vrijwel integraal wordt opgegeten en door foeragerende gouldouders –naast zachtvoer- zeer gretig en consequent aan nestjongen gevoerd wordt; en derhalve ook nestjongen vanaf hun eerste levensdagen evenwichtige zetmeelverhoudingen toebediend krijgen, dus vanaf de allereerste levensdagen hun eigen energiebalans met het mechanisme van suikeromzetting naar reservevetten/opslagvet perfekt leren bespelen in synchrone samenloop met een intensieve eiwitvertering. Hetgeen zeker voor de latere gezondheid en levenskracht van typische grasvinken als gouldamadines alleen maar een pluspunt is.
3. ...dat gouldjongen in het nest steeds de perfecte spreiding van evenwichtige vetstapelingen over hun lichaam tonen (grotendeels dankzij de optimale kwaliteit van zetmeelverhoudingen in de zaadmix). Precies uit specifieke zetmelen in optimale verhoudingen laden nestjongen van gouldamadines op de meest aangewezen wijze hun glycogeenvoorraad vol, en zetten gouldamadines (volwassen zowel als jonge vogels) daarnaast wanneer nodig op de meest voordelige wijze suikers om naar makkelijke trigliceriden-stapelvettten.