woensdag 28 mei 2008
Arlene Martin , "Bluebreasted", California Arlene Martin , "Blauwborst" , Californië Arlene Martin, "Poitrine bleu", la Californie
Mutation or modifica- tion ...?
Mutation ou modifica- tion...?
Mutatie of modificatie...? Verder lezen....
zaterdag 24 mei 2008
R. Bussink,Goulds in de nazomerzon, Holland R. Bussink,Late summer sun gouldians, Holland R. Bussink,Goulds au soleil, fin d'été, Pays-Bas
dinsdag 20 mei 2008
Yoshihiro Miyake - Birds on show, Japan Yoshihiro Miyake - Goulds op TT, in Japan Yoshihiro Miyake - Goulds à l'expo, au Japon
donderdag 15 mei 2008
"VOLIERE D' ÉTÉ" - par Niklas Bienhüls - "SUMMER FLIGHT" - by Niklas Bienhüls - "SOMMERVOLIERE" - bei Niklas Bienhüls
maandag 12 mei 2008
Le diamant de gould aussi inspire des artistes. Gouldamadines begeesteren ook kunstenaars. Gouldians also do inspire artists.
Following shortly here beneath, a display of the most beautiful gouldians drawings & paintings to be found. Such artistically minded gouldlovers do so deserve to be extra promoted.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IN HET NEDERLANDS
Eerstdaags volgt hierna een weergave van de allermooiste gouldamadine-schilderingen en tekeningen die er te zien zijn. Zulke kunstzinnige gouldfanaten verdienen het om extra gepromoot te worden.
Avant peu va ici-dessous apparaître une sélection des plus beaux dessins et peintures de goulds qu'il y a à voir. Des amateurs de goulds si artistiques le mèritent d'être promus en extra.
Dilip Patel
Inder Naru
Safa Takla
Janet Flinn
Safa Takla
Unknown artist
zaterdag 10 mei 2008
Introducing ourselves ~~~~~~~~~~~ in English Breeding technique and approach
Photos taken from a japanese press coverage
Introducing Lievens Specialised Natural GouldBreeding Belgium
My name is Lester, son of Ivan Lievens, the latter since 1978 being a straightforwarded natural breeding developer and specialised gouldian breeder, colour specialising in longfeathered green backed purple breasted, both with and without darkfactor, furthermore also specialising in white breasted and male single factored Europastel. Although our breeding house has always maintained all three head colours in equal numbers, we are today best known for our orange heads. And of course, for our approach in non-manipulated bird feeding / bird food.
QUOTE I. Lievens, on distinguishing fairy tales from the rest :
"Experience is gradually growing knowledge derived from breeding practice. If it is to be an optimal learning experience, then preferably with a serious theoretical basis and background. Knowledge of theory comes in handy when beforehand having to distinguish myths, fables and fairy tales from the rest. Gouldians have no mystery aura around them; they are just mere splendid juwellike birds, massively carrying great potential for high stamina and reproduction. By origin there are no weak nor uncapable gouldian finches; there are however enough men rendering gouldians weak. In many and various ways. It's as simple as that."
The Lievens gouldian house foster free from day 1.
Consequently we are a fairly well known, but nevertheless relatively small natural breeding house carrying a long status of specialisation, amongst others emphasizing on the level of non-manipulated bird food /feeding and severe spontaneous selection. Therefor meaning : without any egg collecting, without any chemical medication schemes or other selection manipulation. Only gouldians proving themselves well capable of enthusiastically reproducing without man's artificial interventions, will push their genes through to the next generations. Only capable gouldians are allowed to define the face of the species. In this way capable gouldians alone determine the strength of the species.
Indoor natural breeding at low temperatures
The Lievens gouldian house equals indoor coldbreeding at daytime temperatures between 48°F/9°C & 59°F/15°C. A mere glance at this type of broadbreasted birds each time suffices, the birds speak for themselves.
Already on 2 occasions have we had the opportunity of also seeing this type of long feathered gouldians at other breeding locations, once in the Czech Republic, a second time in Switzerland. One recognizes this type on the spot.
The house philosophy at our premises is quite simple :
Gouldians are but truly authentic, only when proving to be able and self reproductive breeding birds, moreover showing off an enormous adaptability. For that in fact is the gouldian’s true character and nature by origin, through evolution and offspring. At which moment we are obliged to repeat : By origin there are no weak nor uncapable gouldian finches; there are however enough men rendering gouldians weak. In various ways. Good gouldians deserve good breeders. And vice versa : good breeders deserve good gouldians. It's as simple as that.
>>> Ivan Lievens adressed by a French delegation in Aalst, Sept. 2008. One brief verbal contact tells more than a 1000 mails.
Do you require advice on optimally installing and perfectly organizing your aviary or breeding room ? Are you looking for practical advice on nutrition and health of your Gouldian finches and other birds, in order to lift birdcare to perfection?
For people with urgent-practical and / or technical questions, there is the contact phone no. here below.
Lester Lievens
TEL.: 0032 (0)53 83 82 24
maandag 5 mei 2008
Meer lezen... vraag en aanbod seizoen 2011
Het meest volle type en formaat
Full posture big gouldian finches
Grands goulds typés de force
3 X lang-
geen onderlinge
Lievens-goulds, forse goulds
veel gevraagde kweekpoppen,
langbevederd met
fors postuur
in roodkop paarsborst,
5-jarige kweekman
uit kampioenenbloed
Nette kopaflijning,
op de keurderstafel
van doorslag gevend belang
3 X witborst,
brede borsten,
Zo ziet men
ze zeer weinig.
Véél te weinig.
Enkelfactorig hyperpastel : in Nederland o-zo misbegrepen
Kopstudie hyperpastel :
°Keelvlek uitvloeiend naar optisch zeer lichtblauw
° Nekzone & rug van dezelfde egale helderheid
Blauwe kweekvogels op ons hok voldoen aan alle Lievens - vormvoorwaarden.
Plus alle kleurvoorwaarden >>> Maximale eumelaninestructuur. Minimale luteïne - residu's. Poppenborsten moeten diep lila zijn. Plus strak egaal. Blauw van ons hok gaat enkel naar kwekers die reeds jaren met ons type klassieke vogels werken. Sterke blauwe "met body" vragen een breed open- gekweekte genetische basis van klassiek, vrij van inteelt. Noodzakelijke voorwaarde.
3 X
in pastel, nette
gewilde showvogels
3 X
zwartkop paarsborst,
lichte stress
door het
strakke netheid uit kampioenenbloed
Indoor Koudbroed ,
Imposante Gouldamadines ,
Unieke vogels .
Bewerkt door L. Lievens
tel.053-83.82.24 °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°